Monday, November 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Virtual Bookshelf Appplication at University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Wins Prize

Virtual Bookshelf Appplication at University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Wins Prize

This is super cool! Finally, a visual version of telling patrons that "the books near [the call number you asked for] on the shelf are on the same topic" :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wedding website is up! :)

To anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I made a website for our wedding which is taking place October 1, 2011. Here's a link:

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a gift for eric, the fruit stand man on poem in your pocket day - 4/29/10

fruit stand                                                          

still-chill air
kisses visitors
from tropic climes
sun will grace
your face, just not yet
perhaps you ventured out too soon –
returned a week too early?
by noon, the air will no longer bite
but by then –
your too ripe,
too colorful
gems of summer
will be gone
                left with frost
                yet on their stems

Happy Poem In Your Pocket Day, Eric!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First warm day haiku

You can always tell
Those who leave their house before
Noon on days like this


This has been communication in motion... (Sent from my iPhone :) )

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Unless my eyes deceive me, it will be the same temperature in Madison
as in Kahuku on Thursday!! :) (78 degrees, though I doubt it will
actually make that here...)

This has been communication in motion... (Sent from my iPhone :) )

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

poem (1/24/10)

we entered
and left you in shadows
a land of light
clouded by night
fitting, that, denying us one last look,
you saved your memories, secrets,
for a time in the future
when light again graces your shores
sending us back into another
clouded land, white, with cold sand,
and shaded not by swaying palms
but by trees, stark now, without leaves
we remember your warmth and shiver
with the cold mid-western wind

Lyrical Facebook Status Updates...

Too tired to sleep, 
to lonely to dream - 
these are the things 
that all must seem 
but a trifle to all but me 
in truth, I simply long 
to see your face again, 
even through the rain, 
I'd run to your side 
and n'er leave again!

Monday, March 22, 2010

contemplating completeness

creating context
with caveat
I'm culling coherence
from inconsistency
contemplating completeness
while feeling incomplete
I'm coaxing comfort
from your laundered sheets
and finding calm
in other unlikely corners

Friday, March 19, 2010

At least the rain smells like spring...

... Even though it's 20 degrees too cold to be the last day of winter.
I hope warmer climes grace your travels, dear.

This has been communication in motion... (Sent from my iPhone :) )

Friday, March 12, 2010

A few new poems

you look like a blanket
please bring me the warmth i know you lack



water suspended
     from too-low clouds in the sky
wrap me in springtime


a combining: leather, paper, and binding
you look like something i'd leave on the shelf
give me your unchanging freedom to stay

Monday, March 8, 2010


broken clocks

broken sections

each time



Thursday, March 4, 2010

card game

does ace trump all
when it's broken
and bleeding
torn asunder
on the sidewalk
waiting to be

Monday, March 1, 2010

parts of the blog have moved!

I am trying to be more organized, so I'm splitting up my blog into many blogs!

For Travel-only posts:
For ebook reviews:
For "physical" book reviews:

For everything and anything else - Stay here! :)